About the Author

2023 10 16 05 49 14

AU Thomas, PhD, MSN, MPH, APRN, CYT, aka Dr. Sunday, drives a hybrid car and considers herself a hybrid person and practitioner. Born in Kerala, India and raised in the Midwest, she often says “you can take the girl out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the girl”, which in her case has two meanings.

Currently, Dr. Thomas is a practicing Primary Care Nurse Practitioner for Adults in South Florida, an Integrative Health Practitioner, a Public Health Specialist with a PhD in Nursing and holds certificates in Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga (SYI), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), as a Jhpiego Master Trainer, in Advanced Integrative Mental Health and in Integrative Nurse Coaching from the Integrative Nurse Coach Academy (INCA) and Mindful Eating.

Dr. Thomas’ doctoral studies were in Nursing, Interdisciplinary Health with a concentration in Health Psychology. She was supported by the SAMHSA ANA MFP. Her dissertation was specifically on Integrative Group Medical Visits for Primary Care Patients with Anxiety. The intentional and crooked journey she took navigating social work, nursing, public health, medicine, coaching and being a first-generation immigrant has allowed her to have an open lens and attitude to serve clients based on where they are at in the context of their lives.

Dr. Thomas is an active volunteer in her local community with the Commission on the Status of Women for Broward County (Chair of the Mindfulness Committee), the Broward Mindfulness Community of Practice, and the Broward Outreach Center. She is also a member of the Sierra Club, IM4US, ACLM, and two Nursing organizations, AHNA and SFCAPN. She grounds herself in her yoga and mindfulness meditation practice, her family and Unity, and mixes up her routine with swimming, biking, Pilates, aerobics and weights.

Dr. Thomas is available for integrative consultations and coaching @ Usolicare( and you may also follow her free health and wellness “sol tips” on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube videos and X @usolicare. Her goal with this book is to increase awareness about the potential of integrative adult primary care, share essential adult check-ups and place the importance of adult preventative care in the context of easy-to-read/easy-to -remember car analogies.